Brunswick Scuba, LLC Questions & Answers Questions & Answers
Veteran Owned and Operated
Phone: (434) 955-0304     email:

Q: What sets us apart?   Ever heard of the 4 way business test?  
A: This comes from Rotary International and something we believe in.  1.Is it the TRUTH?  2.Is it FAIR to all concerned?   3.Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?   4.Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?   Although always human and fall short on occasion we set our standards and safety high, therefore we do not fall far from the mark should we miss.  We hope you also will embrace these concepts in all you do and do all for the glory of God.

Q: Why Us?
A: We want this industry to be full of safe and experienced divers and instructors who want to stay with the sport as a recreation or vocation.  We teach toward that goal and therefore our pricing and focus well above the minimum lackadaisical standards set out by the self-regulating for-profit training agencies.  Our instructors provide safe, challenging and quality training for students leading to great diving experiences specifically at the beginning when the foundation is built.  From there you are ready for the next class or adventure.  We may not be the cheapest, but you deserve the best!

Q:  Why do you still teach the Recreational Dive Planner (RDP / Tables)
A:  While dive computers continue to be enhanced and many consider them an essential part of modern scuba diving, they can and do fail. We mandate all our Open Water divers learn to use the RDP even if the future holds a dive computer for them. Divers using a computer should still know what the RDP indicates for their planned dive and depth, noting this on a slate or the like prior to the dive. They should have a backup system in place, an SPG along with the air integrated computer, a dive watch or bottom timer should minimum essential equipment. In this way should something occur they are not anxious and can make decisions about the dive with good data (ending it now or continuing with a shorter dive with their backup). Additionally, the RDP provides a representation of the nitrogen levels absorbed providing divers a better understand what dive computers are doing for them. 

Other considerations include: Tables are universal. A computer used in training may not be available for rental, if any at all. Tables do not need batteries or service. If diving computer alone and it fails you are out of the water a minimum of 24 hours, not so with Tables as your backup plan. Remember, prevention and preparation are key to a safe dive, even in case of equipment failure and Tables should be part of that plan.

Q: What sets us apart?  
A: While there may be many reasons the bottom line is that we love to dive, and you deserve the best training possible.  We don't have a large retail store or have a large showroom; we just provide divers with great training.  We believe teaching small class sizes ensures each participant gets the most enjoyment and instructor attention possible.  This formula of one-on-one attention ensures we maintain our 100% safety record and reputation for quality of training.  This has made us well known for our quality in diver training with a personal, friendly service.

There is nothing more enjoyable than introducing new divers to the wonders and mystery of the Creators aquatic world.   We also believe that safer diving is achieved through education and will go the extra mile to satisfy every curiosity while providing challenging yet fun training.  We believe that you will enjoy our unique approach to learning things like buoyancy and understanding the environmental impact divers can have on marine life. 

We are pleased that you are considering taking your scuba instruction from us and we also encourage you to check out other shops and instructors and make an educated decision.  

If you are not in our area, please let us help you find someone closer.  Some are listed on our links page.
You can also visit the PADI Dive Center Locator

Q: I do not see your technical classes listed, what is the schedule for those?
A: Introducing individual to the wonders of the wet world is what we love to do the best.  We do have a few and instructors ready to help you when you are ready.  We would be happy to introduce you to technical diving, or other instructors better outfitted to get introduce you, or see you advance in, the technical skills you seek.  Sidemount, Advanced Nitrox, Decompression, Cave, Penetration Wreck diving and more awaits those that have the desire.  Basic well-honed scuba skills are the foundation for all the above and we believe that is what we do best.  We will be glad to introduce you to a technical instructor when the desire for this type of diving is there.   

Q: I'm planning on getting certified. I've been to several shops, and they all offer different certifications. I've heard of PADI, NAUI, NASDS and SSI. Which one should I go with?
A: This question is frequently ask.  All organizations must follow a minimum standard set by the scuba industry and the organization, so they differ less than you might expect. However, instructors differ a lot, and you should try to talk to the instructor you will be taking the course from and determine exactly what will be offered, and how you feel about them as an individual. Finally, some instructors add significantly to the standard course (and may also charge more).  You should know exactly what you are going to get for your course before starting the course.  We, like many others, will provide you with a written agreement (see the training page of this website) of what you will be receiving and the total cost to you.

Q: Can I dive while pregnant is one of the most frequently ask questions people ask is regarding scuba diving.
A: We don't have very good data showing how pressures while diving may harm the fetus.  There are cases of hyperbaric oxygen treatment of pregnant mothers with carbon monoxide poisoning without adverse effect on the fetus. However, the fetus does not have the protection of the lungs in filtering out the bubbles as does an adult and these treatments were done out of necessity.
See for more info

Q: I'm new to diving, and I want to buy some equipment. Which piece of equipment should be the first?
A: There are two thoughts on this. One is that you should consider only purchasing your personal gear until you are sure what type of diving you like. You may consider purchasing mask, fins, and snorkel, for fit and sanitary reasons prior to training. Consider that not all rental gear is properly maintained, and that gear you purchase will be better and more reliable. Typically, people agree that you should not buy a tank until you believe that you will be doing a significant amount of local diving.  Additionally you should try different types of gear and ask advice from dive professionals independent from dive shops as after all the shops are there to sell you equipment, their brand and it may not always be what is right for you.  Consider renting and trying until you find what your comfortable with in the water.  This will ultimately save you $$ and frustration down the road.  Additionally don't fall for the latest bells and whistles that come out every year.  Simple, streamlined is time proven.

Q: How old do you have to be to learn to dive?
A: 10 years old is the minimum age limit set by the training agencies for certification. However, some children may not have the maturity or attention span we feel is necessary to safely complete the class.  Successful completion of all skills are required regardless of age.  Input from parents is an important part of the certification process with children.  Parental input and oversight is important in the academic work, ensuring both you and your child understand the associated risk and how to best mitigate these.  That said there are programs for younger children like Bubblemaker where children as young as * can get involved with Scuba.

Q: How long can you stay down on a tank of air?
A: If I had a nickel for every time I was asked this one. . . The truth is it depends on how much you breath (consumption rate) and the depth of the dive. The actual time could be as little as 10 mins. or as much as 2 hours.

Q: What's in a scuba tank? Oxygen?
A: Recreational divers breathe air, not oxygen . . .  well yes air is 21% oxygen. It's filtered to remove impurities and moisture, but otherwise, it's air like you're breathing now.

Q: Do I have to be a great swimmer to be a certified Open Water Diver?
A: No. All you need to be is a reasonably proficient swimmer who is comfortable and relaxed in the water.

Q: Is there anywhere to dive around me?
A: In central Virginia alone there are several nice places to go diving that are very close. The Lake Phoenix quarry in Rawlings, Virginia Beach, and the Outer Banks are all close enough to make day trips to.

Q: What about sharks, barracuda and moray eels?
A: Don't worry about them. They are more afraid of you that you are of them. Statistically you are far more likely to have an encounter with a shark while swimming at the beach that you ever would have while diving with them. As for the rest of the marine life, if you do not bother them, they will not bother you.

Q: How long does it take to get certified?
A: Certification can take as little as a long weekend depending on the course selected. Our typical open water class meets over two weekends covering homework and classroom work with e-learning being the most selected method of completing the academics.  E-learning takes between 12 and 20 hours of self-study.  After the academics you are then ready for the confined open water and then the open water dives normally done in three consecutive days. 

Q: I have a medical condition. Is it safe for me to scuba dive?
A: Scuba diving is a physically demanding sport, which requires a healthy heart, well able to tolerate exercise, and healthy lungs. Additionally, any illness which might incapacitate you, such as with a seizure, or with unconsciousness, such as uncontrolled fainting. There are many medical conditions which are considered disqualifying for scuba diving. The Diver's Alert Network (phone (919) 684-2948) will provide over-the-phone advice about medicine, medications, diving, and their interaction, as well as assisting you in finding the appropriate chamber or a local doctor who is familiar with diving medicine and so forth, and is a worthwhile organization to join.

Some medical conditions which are generally considered disqualifying (although there are exceptions for well controlled conditions, in some cases, consult your doctor) are asthma, diabetes, epilepsy or any other seizure disorder, history of spontaneous (or, from some sources, any) pneumothorax, emphysema, heart illness which inhibits your ability to exercise to a certain level, and others.
There is some experimental evidence that diving while pregnant could be dangerous for the fetus, so it is contraindicated. This is a compressed air issue, so shallow, reasonable snorkeling should be fine, if your doctor says you can tolerate exercise and swimming.

Q. Where can I get more information about classes?
A: Send us a message or go to  to get more information on classes and training.

Q: I've lost my C-card. What do I do?
A: Um, how long has it been since you have done any diving?  And how much diving did you do when you were current? If it has been a long time, maybe you should consider taking a new certification course. Your old certification card may still be good, but equipment changes all of the time, diving practices and techniques change all of the time, and unless you've been keeping up, you may find yourself either at a loss, or not diving as safely as you might without current training.
The first step in replacing your C-card to consult your instructor, or the dive shop you were taught through. They should have a copy of your records. If you can't contact them, calling the certification agency might well be your best bet. Here are some certification agency numbers.  Once you have that come see us for that needed Scuba Review.

NAUI - National Association of Underwater Instructors  (800) 553-NAUI (USA) or (714) 621-5801

SSI - Scuba Schools International   (303) 482-0883 

SDI - Scuba Diving International

HSA - Handicapped Scuba Association  (714) 498-6128

PADI - Professional Association of Diving Instructors   (714) 540-7234

TDI - Technical Diving International

ANDI - American Nitrox Divers Inc.    (516) 546-2026

IDEA - International Diving Educators Association  (904) 744-5554

NASDS - National Association of Scuba Diving Schools   (800) 735-3483  (800) 735-DIVE   (901) 767-7265

PDIC - Professional Diving Instructors Corp.  (717) 342-9434

DAN - Divers Alert Network (800) 446-2671
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