Divemaster Course
Looking for the first step in working with scuba as a career? Your adventure into the professional levels of recreational scuba diving begins with the PADI Divemaster program. Working closely with a PADI Instructor, in this program you expand your dive knowledge and hone your skills to the professional level. PADI Divemaster training develops your leadership abilities, qualifying you to supervise dive activities and assist instructors with student divers. PADI Divemaster is the prerequisite certification for both the Assistant Instructor and Open Water Scuba Instructor certifications.
During the PADI Divemaster program, you learn dive leadership skills through both classroom and independent study. You complete water skills and stamina exercises, as well as training exercises that stretch your ability to organize and solve problems as well as help others improve their scuba. You put this knowledge into action through a structured internship or series of practical training exercises.
After becoming certified as a PADI Divemaster you will be authorized to:
- Supervise both training and non-training-related activities by planning, organizing and directing dives
- Assist a PADI Instructor during the training sessions for any PADI Diver course
- Conduct the PADI Skin Diver course and PADI Discover Snorkeling program
- Conduct the PADI Discover Local Diving experience
- Conduct the PADI Scuba Review program
- If qualified as a Discover Scuba Diving Leader, independently conduct the PADI Discover Scuba Diving program.
- Earn the PADI Digital Underwater Photographer Specialty Instructor rating to be able to teach the PADI Digital Underwater Photographer specialty.
- Independently guide Open Water Diver course students on the tour portion of Open Water Diver course Training Dives 2, 3 and 4 at a ratio of two student divers per certified divemaster.
- Accompany Open Water Diver students under the indirect supervision of a PADI Instructor during: surface swims to and from the entry/exit point and during navigational exercises and when the instructor conducts a skill, such as an ascent or descent, a Divemaster can remain with other student divers (with an individual student or buddy team)
- Accompany student divers during Adventure Dives or Specialty training dives under the indirect supervision of a PADI Instructor.
- Conduct the PADI Seal Team Skin Diver Specialist AquaMission
- Conduct subsequent dives under an instructor’s indirect supervision for Discover Scuba Diving participants after participants have satisfactorily completed the first dive with a PADI Instructor.
- Teach Emergency First Response courses after successfully completing an Emergency First Response Instructor course.
You use all the basic scuba equipment and some scuba accessories such as a dive slate, dive knife, compass, dive watch, etc.
It is highly recommended that you own all of your own scuba equipment, as familiarity with personal gear improves general scuba diving skills. You can find most everything you may need at Lake Phoenix or your local dive shop.
The provided PADI Divemaster crewpak includes everything you’ll need to start the PADI Divemaster program. The complete set of materials includes:
- The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving - a comprehensive overview of diving physics, physiology, and equipment.
- Age: Minimum of 18 years old
- A PADI Advanced Open Water Diver (or qualifying certification from another training organization)
- A PADI Rescue Diver (or qualifying certification from another training organization)
- An Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care (or qualifying first aid and CPR training from another organization) course completion within the past 24 months.
- Have at least 40 dives to begin the course and 60 for certification
- Be fit for diving and submit a Medical Statement signed by a physician within the last 12 months.
COST: $1800 and includes educational material, lectures, knowledge reviews, exams and more..
Call (434) 955-0304 and sign up today!
Specialty Courses
Drysuit Specialty Course
Wanna stay warm and toasty on a dive? Then dive dry. Yes! Unlike a wetsuit, a dry suit seals you off from the outside water and that keeps you warm! Even in surprisingly cold water.
Dry suits let you dive more challenging dive sites, and extend your dive season. When you have the right cold water scuba diving attire, you can stand up to the elements and take advantage of the generally better visibility offered by winter months—especially at inland dive sites such as quarries, lakes, sinkholes and caves etc. As a dry suit diver, you’re equipped to scuba dive some of the world’s incredible dive sites in the world’s cooler regions that are best enjoyed in a dry suit even in their warmer months.
You will gain the knowledge and skills to safely don, dive with, doff and store a dry-suit. Get introduced to the different types of suits so you can make a very informed decision if considering purchasing a dry suit. You learn: Dry suit buoyancy control skills; Dry suit maintenance, storage and basic repair; Undergarment (fleece or overall-type garments worn under the dry suit) options
- Excess gas in feet emergency roll drill
- Stuck inflator emergency drill
- Stuck exhaust valve emergency drill
- Ascent procedure· Remove and replace scuba unit and weight belt on the surface
- Exit techniques· Removal of dry suit, storage and maintenance
Age: Minimum age of 10
Certification: (Junior) Open Water Diver
COST: $285.00
Cost includes, two training dives, educational material, lecture, DVD viewing & Knowledge review, and certification fee.
Enriched Air (Nitrox) Specialty Course
The PADI Enriched Air Diver course is PADI’s most popular specialty scuba diving course, and it’s easy to see why. Scuba diving with enriched air nitrox gives you more no decompression dive time. This means more time underwater, especially on repetitive scuba dives.
You can typically stay down longer and get back in the water sooner. No wonder many divers choose this as their very first specialty.
You will learn techniques for getting more dive time by using enriched air nitrox; Enriched air scuba diving equipment considerations; Enriched air considerations, including managing oxygen exposure, how to tell what’s in your scuba tank, how to use the EAN RDPs to plan and calculate dives and EAN diving with computers.
Age: Minimum age of 12
Certification: Open Water Diver
COST: $225.00
Cost includes use of O2 analyzer, educational material, lecture, DVD viewing & Knowledge review and certification submission fee.
(Note homework, self-study, must be completed prior to class)
Underwater Digital Photography Specialty Course
Underwater photography is one of the most popular diving specialties, and the rise of digital underwater photography has made it easier and more fun than ever. This is why there are actually two PADI underwater photography courses. The PADI Digital Underwater Photographer course gets you going quickly with today modern digital equipment, whether you use a point-and-shoot snap camera or a sophisticated D-SLR like the pros. The PADI Underwater Photographer course is a more traditional photography course designed for conventional film equipment.
You will learn how to choose the right underwater camera system for you, the care and maintenance of your camera; the PADI method for getting great shots quickly, and three primary principles for good underwater photos.
Age: Minimum age of 10
Certification: (Junior) Open Water Diver
COST: $285.00
Cost includes educational material, lecture, DVD viewing & Knowledge review, two open water dives and certification submission fee.
(Note homework, self-study, must be completed prior to class)
Wreck Diver Specialty Course
Through the PADI Wreck Diver Specialty course, you get the skills, knowledge and procedures you need to answer the call of wreck diving. You drift down and pass through a window into the past. As you near the bottom, a recognizable shape begins to form. First, you see a straight line, then a round window. Next, a ship materializes in front of you. As you look at the wreck, past and the present meet. Whether sunk intentionally or tragically, whether a sunken ship, a plane or an automobile, the call of wrecks is nearly irresistible to divers. Through the PADI Wreck Diver Specialty course, you get the skills, knowledge and procedures you need to answer the call of wreck diving.
Dive all types of wrecks and discover how they have evolved into a fantastic artificial reef, which is home to a huge variety of marine life, who seek shelter within it. Explore the past in the present with the PADI Wreck Diver Specialty course.
You will learn wreck diving skills, knowledge, planning, organization, procedures, techniques, problems, hazards and excitement of diving on wrecks. The Wreck Diver Specialty course is intended as a safe, supervised introduction to wreck diving, with emphasis on fun and safety.
Skills & Goals include:
- Demonstrate practical wreck diving knowledge, including recognizing and avoiding potential hazards, and planning procedures that make wreck diving fun
- Learn to research the historical value of wrecks, social and legal issues surrounding that value, and describe some of wreck diving’s implications, including the pros and cons of removing artifacts from wrecks
- Plan and organize dives to safely explore wrecks found within depths and conditions as good as or better than those he has been trained in
- Identify the hazards of wreck penetration diving and demonstrate the techniques and procedures required to minimize those hazards
- During the Open Water dives participants are required to prepare their equipment, plan the dives and demonstrate good diving skills in that environment
- Independent redundant air supply recommended: Doubles or Pony bottle with SPG.
- Surface Marker Buoy (SMB) and primary spool/reel with at least 200ft of line, secondary reel recommended.
Age: Minimum age of 15 w/PADI Advanced Course (or equivalent)
Certification: NA
COST: $395 which includes educational material, lecture, DVD viewing, four open water dives and certification submission fee.
(Note homework, self-study, must be completed prior to class)
Underwater Naturalist Specialty Course
Look closer to see more on your next dive. Look for symbioses, predator/prey and other relationships between aquatic plant and animal life. Learn not just what fish and animals are, but how they interact with each other and the environment. You will learn about why some creatures behave the way they do and what their role is in the aquatic ecosystem.
Additional we will cover the major aquatic life groupings, interactions and factual information that dispels negative myths; the role of aquatic plants, food chains and predator prey relationships; responsible interactions with aquatic life and the underwater naturalist’s view of organisms and their roles in the environment.
Afterward we will put this information into practice during your two open water dives and give you much to think about during every future dive.
Age: Minimum age of 10
Certification: (Junior) Open Water Diver
COST: $285.00
Cost includes educational material, lecture, DVD viewing & Knowledge review, two open water dives and certification submission fee.
(Note homework, self-study, must be completed prior to class)
Night Diver Specialty Course
Introduce yourself to the whole new cast of critters that comes out after the sun goes down.
See your favorite dive site from a whole new perspective at night.
As the sun sets, you don your dive gear, slip on your scuba mask and bite down on your dive regulator.
A deep breath and you step into the water at night. Although you’ve seen this dive site many times before,
this time you drop into a whole new world and watch it come to life under the glow of your dive light.
The night diving course helps you complete dive planning, organization, procedures, techniques and potential
problems: how to control your buoyancy at night and entries, exits and underwater navigation at night.
Age: Minimum age of 12
Certification: (Junior) Open Water Diver
COST: $325.00
Cost includes educational material, lecture, DVD viewing & Knowledge review, three open water dives
and certification submission fee.
(Note homework, self-study, must be completed prior to class)
Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty Course
Scuba divers like to be neutrally buoyant so they neither sink nor float. It can be a tricky thing. Divers who’ve mastered the highest performance levels in buoyancy stand apart. You’ve seen them underwater. They glide effortlessly, use less air and ascend, descend or hover, almost as if by thought. They interact gently with aquatic life and affect their surroundings minimally. The PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy course refines the basic skills you learned as a PADI Open Water Diver and elevates them to the next level.
During the course you will experience how to trim your scuba gear, so you’re perfectly balanced in the water; The nuances in determining weight so you’re not too light nor too heavy by even a slight degree; how to streamline to save air and move smoothly through the water and how to hover effortlessly in both a vertical position and a horizontal position.
Age: Minimum age of 10
Certification: (Junior) Open Water Diver
COST: $285.00
Cost includes educational material, lecture, DVD viewing & Knowledge review, two open water dives and certification submission fee.
SCUBA Equipment Specialty Course
We have all seen it happen right? You’re on your scuba diving holiday, it’s the great dive site, and during your pre-dive safety check, the dive group discovers a few minor problems. A blown o-ring, a broken fin strap and your dive buddy has a regulator freeflow. The PADI Equipment Specialty course prepares you to manage these basic scuba gear adjustments, carry out regular maintenance and provide general care for your scuba equipment, while helping you to understand how a scuba system works, how it’s repaired, and how to “save the dive”.
The Equipment Specialist Course does not qualify the diver as a scuba technician; however it provides the foundation for proper maintenance and care for your investment in your scuba kit, and it may save you losing that precious dive on your next scuba diving vacation.
Equipment Specialist – Learn about
- The theory, principles, and operation of scuba diving equipment
- Diving gear – routine, recommended care and maintenance procedures
- Dive equipment packing and scuba kit storage
- How to overcome common scuba gear problems
- Equipment Specialist – Learning Materials
The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving is not included in the price* which includes all the required materials to complete the Equipment specialty course.
Topics covered in the Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving & DVD include
- Scuba maintenance, service and repair
- Diving equipment – how it’s made, how it works, fixing common problems
- The physiology of scuba diving
- The history of scuba diving
What’s included in the price?
- Your own dedicated private PADI Equipment Specialty Instructor
- Use of resource manuals and equipment
- Dive gear maintenance, service and repair
- Equipment Specialist Certification Card
Age: Minimum age of 10
Certification: (Junior) Open Water Diver
COST: $225.00
Deep Diver Specialty Course
PADI's Deep Diver specialty course offers you a thrilling adventure of a lifetime - going deep to see things others only dream about. 'Thrill' is a word with many meanings. A thrill can be the excitement that comes with doing something challenging, but in a way that responsibly manages the risk. This is the goal of our Deep Diving Specialty Course.
If the idea of deep diving excites you then this is the course for you. You'll learn how to manage the added risk that comes with deep diving, and how to be prepared for emergencies and errors that can happen. You're likely to find it a rewarding challenge that helps you grow as a diver. And that's a thrill - the good kind!
This specialty course includes 4 open water dives, which are conducted over at least 2 days. All your dives will be conducted within the no-decompression limits. During your course, you'll cover the knowledge, skills and techniques needed to dive deep. Topics and skills include:
- Planning, organization, descent & ascent procedures, problems and hazards of deep diving that include gas density, CO2 & nitrogen narcosis, alternate gases available
- Gas laws, planning and management (how much do you actually have, expect to use and reserve); Volume, SAC, RMV, Ascent and stop consumption, AAS for ascent and stops, gas depletion emergencies
- Risk factors, decompression-tables / computer review, situational awareness,
- Safety stops and emergency decompression procedures, redundancy, self-sufficiency
- Special equipment, redundant gas, descent lines and buoyancy-control considerations, DSMP use and deployment
- Procedures for flying after diving and high-altitude diving
- Orientation to recompression chambers
The reason PADI Deep Diver training is important is that the margin for error narrows with depth. That's not really an issue provided absolutely nothing goes wrong and you make no mistakes. As we go deeper, we consume air faster and have shorter no decompression limits. The surface is much farther away and harder to reach. Scuba accidents usually result from not one, but several errors that link into a chain leading to disaster. On a deep dive, that chain is very, very short.
Conditions, combined with depth, also affect your risk. In recreational diving, we define 'deep' as 60-100 feet. So, training as a PADI Deep Diver sometimes pays big dividends on surprisingly shallow.
- Independent redundant air supply: Recommended: Doubles or Pony bottle with SPG.
- Surface Marker Buoy (SMB) and spool/reel with at least 100ft of line.
- Other appropriate redundant equipment, discuss with the instructor. (Means of controlling buoyancy and means of measuring depth and time.)
Age: Minimum age of 15
Certification: Adventure Diver
COST: $395
Cost includes educational material, lecture, DVD viewing & Knowledge review, four open water dives over two days and certification submission fee.
(Note homework, self-study, must be completed prior to class)
Navigator Specialty Course
When everyone’s buzzing about a new underwater attraction or checking out a great dive site, they’re having a great time – until it’s time to go. Then they turn to you, because as a PADI Underwater Navigator, you know how to get them there and back.
Underwater navigation can be challenging, but in the PADI Underwater Navigator Specialty course, you master the challenge. You learn the tools of the trade, including navigation via natural clues and by compass.
Things you will complete during the course are: navigation patterns; natural navigation (without a compass); compass navigation; how to “mark” or relocate a submerged object or position from the surface; underwater map making; how to follow irregular courses with the Nav-Finder or P.A.U.L. method; and how to estimate distance underwater.
Age: Minimum age of 10
Certification: (Junior) Open Water Diver
COST: $325.00
Cost includes educational material, lecture, DVD viewing, three open water dives and certification submission fee.
Underwater Search and Recovery Specialty Course
Have a friend that accidentally drop something in the water? Looking for lost treasure?
At a typical 'Reef Clean-up Day', the organizers announce a treasure hunt as motivation for the cleanup dive. They've hidden 3 markers underwater, and each can be redeemed for a prize if you bring them back together with your bag full of rubbish. Needless to say, there is a rush for the dive platform when the next dive starts. Rather than joining the clamor of 20 or so other divers hustling to get in, you and your buddy huddle together and plan your search. Your team is one of the last to splash, but just over an hour later, you surface with ALL the markers. Furthermore, you found all 3 in about 15 minutes and stayed down to collect the most rubbish off the reef too.
What you did makes a strong point: when you're looking for something underwater, knowing what you're doing makes all the difference. Whether it's a lost piece of dive gear, helping clean debris during a Project AWARE beach cleanup or scoring prizes at a fundraiser treasure hunt, you're more likely to come up with what you went in for when you know which search pattern to use and how to use it.
During your this diving program you'll go on 4 open water dives, which are conducted over at least a 2 day period, with time being equally divided between academic and actual open water scuba training sessions.
Topics covered include:
- The planning, organization, procedures, problems, and hazards of search and recovery diving
- Limited-visibility diving and underwater navigation techniques
- Proper techniques and safety considerations for object location including the use of various search patterns, lines and reels
Proper techniques and safety considerations for recovery of objects using various lifting devices.
The PADI Search and Recovery Specialty Course is that it is directly and indirectly rewarding. It's directly rewarding because it's a fun challenge and something different to do underwater, like a treasure hunt or beach cleanup. It's indirectly rewarding when your search has a specific purpose, such as retrieving an elderly person's lost prescription sunglasses or the brand new wide angle camera lens accidentally dropped over the side. And, it goes without saying that if you dive for long enough, you'll have to search for something that you or a fellow diver accidentally drops in the deep.
Besides learning how to search, if the object is too big to swim topside, you also need to learn ways to safely raise it to the surface. You learn both search patterns and how to recover objects in the PADI Search and Recovery Diver course. You will use what you learn not just once, but many times over.
The elective search and recovery dive conducted during the Adventures in Diving program may count toward this specialty.
Age: Minimum age of 12
Certification: (Junior) Advanced Open Water Diver
COST: $395 Which includes, four training dives, educational material, lecture, DVD viewing & Knowledge review, and certification fee.
Full Face Mask Specialty Course
Divers often have a need or want to effectively communicate underwater and a Full-Face Mask course is the perfect starting point. Full face masks are also often used in waters with low visibility that may be contaminated or waters that are colder the full-face mask will protect you from the elements. You will learn what mask is right for you, how to don a full-face mask, and care and maintenance along with many other topics of interest on multiple mask models. We teach with and you will use multiple masks unlike other places that may only have one. Why pay more for less, expect and get the best! Other follow-on courses can include mask with communications devices, gas blocks and more.
Age: Minimum age of 15
Certification: Advanced Open Water Diver
COST: $285.00
Cost includes text, educational material, lecture, DVD viewing, one confined water, two open water dives and certification submission fee. Mask rental and sanitation fees may apply.
Boat Diver Specialty Course
Much of the world’s best scuba diving is accessible only by boat. Whether you’ve never made a boat dive or you’ve logged dozens, the PADI Boat Diver Specialty course will benefit you because boats in various parts of the world do things differently. Scuba diving from a boat is fun and relatively easy because you usually descend directly onto your dive site.
The PADI Boat Diver course will expand your knowledge about boats from small inflatables to large liveaboards. You’ll gain experience scuba diving by completing two dives from a boat in your local area and learn:
- Boat diving procedures and etiquette, including how to enter and exit, and where to stow your gear.
- Boating safety, including how to locate safety equipment.
Get credit! The first dive of this Specialty Diver course may credit as an Adventure Dive toward your Advanced Open Water Diver certification – ask your instructor about earning credit.
Age: Minimum age of 10
Certification: Open Water Diver
COST: $325.00
Cost includes text, educational material, lecture, DVD viewing, one confined water two open water dives and certification submission fee. Does NOT include boat, Trip, Fuel or other fees no listed which may apply.
(Note homework, self-study, must be completed prior to class)
SOLO / Self-Reliant Diver
The Self-Reliant Diver specialty course familiarizes divers with the skills & knowledge of diving in a team while remaining self-sufficient. The intent is to allow students to manage risk by adopting a self-sufficient mentality. The course is an introduction to diving within recreational limits with a greater degree of redundancy and extended knowledge of dive planning and risk management.
- Be certified as a PADI Advanced Open Water Diver (or have a qualifying certification from another training organization similar to that of a PADI Advanced Open Water Diver). It is strongly recommended that students are certified as a PADI Rescue Diver or equivalent.
- Independent study, read and provide report on Under Pressure (diving deeper with human factors by Garth Lock)
- Successfully complete diving skills assessment, including but not limited to:

- Mask removal, replacement & clearing

- Regulator recovery and clearing

- Hovering (not less than 30 sec)

- Self-Reliant Alternate Air Ascent

- Controlled Emergency Swimming Ascent

- Remove and replace BCD Underwater

- Remove and replace BCD on the surface

- Any other silly skills that the instructor feels may help save your life
- Be 18 years of age or older.
- 100 logged dives (Instructors discretion)
- Independent redundant air supply: Recommended: Doubles or Stage / Pony bottle with SPG.

- Stage / Pony bottle with SPG available for an additional fee.
- Surface Marker Buoy (SMB) and spool/reel with at least 100ft of line.
- Other appropriate redundant equipment, discuss with the instructor. (Means of controlling buoyancy and means of measuring depth and time.)
COST: $355.00
Cost includes educational material, lecture, three open water dives, and certification submission fee.
Side Mount Specialty Course
Sidemount diving is not a new concept. It was originally created by cave divers in the UK that had a need to safely penetrate narrow and confining spaces. The standard configuration for double tanks worn on the divers back was too cumbersome and restrictive. Swimming into tight areas not only created the potential for a diver to get stuck but could also adversely affect the cave environment. This style of diving moved the tanks from the diver’s back to alongside the torso.
Many cave divers in the 1980’s experimented with sidemount configurations. The equipment needed for sidemount was basically a “home grown” affair that each individual diver adapted to their body shape. This evolution gradually moved towards diving manufacturers as the public created a demand for the gear. The next step was towards the open water diver. Much of the interest was created by the way the diver is able to divide the weight of the gear. Preparing for a dive is definitely different. The diver can carry the tanks to the water’s edge and leave them there. After suiting up in the appropriate thermal protection the divers wear a harness/wing combination that is independent of the tanks. Upon entering the water, the diver then attaches the tanks to the harness.
Hose routing is completely different than what is normally seen since each tank is responsible for different tasks. The left tank supplies gas to the wing and the right tank is the supply for the drysuit or back-up buoyancy. There are a variety of configurations regarding hose routing for the regulators second stage. The use of bent angle adapters has become common in order to keep the hoses close to the diver’s head. Six-inch pressure gauge hoses on each tank are necessary for monitoring gas supply. Gas management requires switching from one second stage to the other in order to maintain trim, but also to keep a proper bailout reserve in the event of a failure.
Kitting up on a boat is a different matter and is accomplished by placing the tanks next to the diver while they are seated. It can be done while standing up or when the conditions are right, tanks can be attached while floating on the surface. For some this is a lifestyle choice, or it can be mission specific. Divers that have trouble handling a set of doubles often look into sidemount to divide the load. Traveling divers can hook up any tanks to use this configuration. There are a few drawbacks. Surface swimming is usually done on the back since the tanks tend to pull the diver forward. Getting kitted up is a little more involved but as with any new skill repetition is the key to success.
OW sidemount course runs the two days, 4 people max. Minimum 3 dives, we go until the fun stops.
Age: Minimum age of 10
Certification: Advanced Diver
COST: $425.00 includes TDI cert. quarry / entrance fees, lecture
Not included. Equipment available to use for course, includes Sidemount harness,
two regulators and two tanks. $50 additional plus air fills.
Fish Identification Specialty Course
Have you ever been scuba diving and asked yourself, "What was that?”
The PADI Project AWARE Fish Identification Specialty course provides you with the fish identification basics so that next time, you know the answer.
The Fun Part
You’ll find you enjoy your dives even more when you recognize the creatures that you see. The fun part about this course is you can use the skills you learn on every scuba diving vacation because once you learn the main fish families and characteristics it will help you decipher the species you see all over the world.
For example, a butterfly fish in the Caribbean has a similar shape to a butterfly fish in Southeast Asia, but their colors and markings maybe wildly different. If you know what fish family it belongs to, it becomes much easier to look up the local name or at least be able to intelligently ask the local scuba instructor what you saw. That works better than asking about a “yellow thingy with a funny tail fin.”
During two dives you gain hands-on (okay, eyes-on) experience in looking for and identifying the fascinating fish you see underwater. You’ll learn:
- How to identify characteristics of local fish families and species
- Fish survey techniques and strategies
- How to practice fish identification dive planning, organization and procedures
Age: Minimum age of 10
Certification: (Junior) Open Water Diver
COST: $285 Which includes educational material, lecture, DVD viewing & Knowledge review, two open water dives, & certification submission fee.
Project Aware Specialty Course
The underwater world needs heroes. You can be one of them by championing the causes of the world’s most fragile and important aquatic ecosystems.
You can make a difference! Learn about some of the most pressing problems facing these vulnerable environments and everyday actions you can take to help conserve them. It’s informative, interesting and most importantly, you learn how to make a difference.
Project AWARE Foundation is the scuba diving industry’s leading nonprofit environmental organization dedicated to conserving the aquatic environment through education, advocacy and action. Besides completing the Project AWARE Specialty course, you can become a partner in the efforts to preserve the underwater environment.
During this valuable training you will learn about: the ocean commons and coastal zone issues; fisheries challenges and sustainability; coral environment overview and inhabitants; and the role of the scuba diver in protecting aquatic environments
Age: Minimum age of 10
Certification: NA
COST: $125.00
Cost includes educational material, lecture, DVD viewing, and certification submission fee.
Project Aware Coral Reef Conservation Specialty Course
This course is designed to inform you about the world’s coral reefs. As a scuba diver, the health of aquatic ecosystems is often what makes a good dive. Become aware of the fragileness of coral reefs and how you can help preserve them.
You will learn about the vital role of coral reefs in the marine environment. The course also familiarizes you with the current state of the world's coral reefs and how you can help. You will learn about the Project AWARE Foundation and: how coral reefs function; why they are so important; why many reefs are in serious trouble; and what you can do to prevent further decline.
Age: Minimum age of 10
Certification: NA
COST: $125.00
Cost includes educational material, lecture, DVD viewing, and certification submission fee.
Gas Blender Specialty Course
The Enriched Air Diver (NITROX) course is the most popular diver specialty course and the number of technical divers is on the rise, which means that lots of scuba divers want enriched air and gas blends.
The Tec Gas Blender course teaches you to blend enriched air nitrox and helium-blend gases using one or more blending methods. Being the blender is a key job at a busy Dive Center or Resort and your work allows other divers to do what they love to do – scuba dive. It is also a great responsibility as divers trust you for the quality of air they are breathing.
What will you learn?
- The Tec Gas Blender course includes three practical application sessions, but no dives. During independent study and instructor-led review, you learn:
- About the advantages and disadvantages of different blending methodologies
- To blend enriched air and/or gas blends to within one percent of the target mix
- About the potential hazards related to handling oxygen, and how to manage those risks
- To demonstrate the steps for oxygen cleaning equipment, along with the requirements for oxygen service
- Basic Compressor maintenance including cascade systems
- Documentation for your system
- Continuous blending and partial pressure blending
- Understanding Compressed Gas Association (CGA) Standards
- Understanding Gas Analysis and compressor testing
How can you start learning now?
You can get your Gas Blender Manual to start your independent study by signing up for the class today. You also receive various apps and calculations, handouts that will assist you in your job as a blender.
How long will it take? The course takes approximately 2 days
Cost: $395 and includes manual, lecture, demonstrations, hands on for practical equipment O2 cleaning, tool certificate and certification fee.
Prerequisites: Be Nitrox certified and be 18 Years of age
(Note homework, self study, must be completed as well as classwork and hands on)
Adaptive Support Diver
Who should take this course?
Do you want to learn how to best support a dive buddy who has a physical or mental challenge? The PADI® Adaptive Support Diver course will increase your awareness of divers’ varying abilities, and explores adaptive techniques to apply while diving or freediving with a buddy with a disability.
It is also recommended that you complete the PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy course beforehand so that you have better awareness of trim.
What will you learn?
Through knowledge development and two diving workshops – one in confined water and one in open water – you’ll learn useful techniques that will increase your ability to become a better dive partner to a diver with a disability. You’ll gain insight and practical experience as you learn about:
Becoming more aware and mindful of individual considerations when diving with people with disabilities.
Adaptive techniques that can be applied while diving with buddies with mental and/or physical challenges.
Cost: $300 and includes manual, lecture, demonstrations, hands on for practical and certification fee.
Prerequisites: Open Water Divers or PADI Freedivers who are at least 15 years old and have completed the EFR Primary and Secondary Care course within 24 months
Adaptive Techniques Specialty
Who should take this course?
Are you a PADI Professional who wants to become more aware of individual considerations when working with people who have physical or mental challenges?
PADI Professionals have a long and successful history of working with divers with disabilities. PADI’s approach to diver education is (and always has been) inclusive: Everyone who meets a course’s prerequisites is welcome to enroll. The PADI Adaptive Techniques Specialty course builds on that foundation by enhancing the training PADI Professionals receive, and preparing them for student-centered and prescriptive approaches when adapting techniques to meet diver needs.
What will you learn?
The PADI Adaptive Techniques Specialty course focuses on increasing awareness of varying abilities, and explores adaptive teaching techniques to apply when training and diving with physically and mentally challenged divers.
The PADI Adaptive Techniques Specialty course will help PADI Professionals:
- Become more aware and mindful of individual considerations when introducing people with disabilities to diving or freediving.
- Explore adaptive techniques that can be applied while supervising and training divers or freedivers with disabilities in PADI courses and programs.
- Properly counsel and direct student divers, based on their abilities, toward PADI certification, PADI experience programs or a disabilities-dedicated diving organization for limited certification programs.
- Learn additional techniques to motivate and encourage student divers with mental and/or physical challenges.
Cost: $300 and includes manual, lecture, demonstrations, hands on for practical and certification fee.
The course consists of knowledge development, two confined water skill development workshops and two open water workshops. In addition, a subset of this course, Adaptive Support Diver, will interest divers who want to learn how they can best support dive buddies who have physical or mental challenges.
Prerequisites: Divemasters or Master Freedivers who have completed EFR Primary and Secondary Care course within 24 months
Other Classes upon request
Dates are scheduled as needed and private sessions can be arranged. Please Contact Us to schedule.
Notes, Terms::
- Please note that all prices are subject to change without prior notice.
- Prices that are quoted assume that all prerequisites have been met to start the specific course.
- Equipment rental fees, Air fills, Facility entrance e.g., Pool, Quarry etc., Boat or Transportation fees, Text, & tax not included in course tuition cost unless noted.
- $100 nonrefundable deposit on all classes due at time of scheduling with the remainder due 2 weeks prior to the first class session. Class dates not confirmed until payment is made.
- E-Learning classes requires $200 down, non-refundable, at time of scheduling.
- Ballance due is required 2 weeks prior to the first class session unless arrangement are coordinated in advance.
- Payments not received, or arrangement coordinated 48 hours prior to requested dates are subject to rescheduling.
- Payments are made direct to the instructor, check, cash or Credit card and not Brunswick Scuba. Please coordinate directly with your instructor to ensure there is no delay in your training.
- ALL E-Learning must be complete 72 hours prior to any water sessions to allow for logistics planning or your class is subject to be rescheduled at your expense. If Open Water this include the Recreational Dive Planner (RDP) imperial portions of your e-learning, these are not optional.
- Additional dives, or days, if required to ensure safety and/or mastery of skills, or other reasons, will require additional fee(s), as additional logistics and personnel are required. Does not apply in the case of weather-related emergencies or similar.
- Rescheduling of course dates will incur a $50 additional fee per person, per day, due to logistics and personnel rescheduling. Does not apply in the case of weather-related emergencies or similar where the entire class is postponed.
- Individual private classes will incur additional fee to cover instructor entrance and expenses of $75 daily, per person.
Cancelation & Refund policy:
- Cancelation of services, classes, and trips no refund 30 days prior to the event and all payments must be made NLT 30 days prior to the event or your space or event is subject to be canceled.
- Any refund subject to a 5% fee.
Safety / COVID policy:
- Students and guest will be screened for COVID at the beginning of each day prior to interfacing with other individuals.
- Any symptoms will cause a delay in the completion of activities as we want everyone to be safe. Prior notice of any COVID issues will help mitigate rescheduling logistics and fees. You are responsible for prompt notification to the instructor prior to the class meeting.
- All regulators, first aid and other such equipment are sanitized prior to use.
- Some Lesson plans and procedures have been altered for your safety. Please listen carefully to all instructions.